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2.38sHmm... mm...
4.14sYou're not going to believe this but they landed an amusement park on the Moon.
2.94sGuh! It's the happiest place orbiting Earth.
2.05sLet's go already.
1.1sFry, we have a crate to deliver.
2.89sLet's just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it.
0.93sToo much work.
2.63sLet's burn it and say we dumped it in the sewer.
2.85sOkay, if everyone's finished being stupid--
1.73sI had more, but you go ahead.
3.27sWe'll deliver that crate like professionals and then we'll go home.
2.3sBut I've never been to the Moon before.
1.33sOh, all right.
5.34sWe'll deliver that crate like professionals and then we'll go ride the bumper cars.
3.37sAmy, why don't you help Fry hoist down the crate?
1.62sThen lock up when you're done.
1.13sjust be careful.