1.52sHey, I'm Doug. Nice to meet you.
1.9sWhoa, have you lost weight?
0.82sNo, it's still there.
1.37sI'm just parting it on the side.
2.7sWe were more interested in that car over there.
1.25sL-l-Lois, let me handle this.
2.05sPeter, this car has dents in it,
2.03sand it's got a cardboard steering wheel.
1.33sYeah, Just a second, honey.
1.4sAnd look. There's no engine.
2.14sIt just has a drawing of an engine.
2.65sOk, let's see what this baby can do.
2.8sWell, I'm sure the dealer will take care of it.
1.5sLois, This is crazy.
3.77sThere's no way we're gonna be able to have maritals with you lying all the way over there.
2.72sI am very upset with you right now.
1.65sOk, so I tried on your bra.