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0.41sWhat's happened to you?
2.34sNothing. I got rid of the worms.
0.48sWhat? Why would you do that?
2.99sLeela, I had worms.
2.84sI needed to know who you loved, me or them.
2.77sWell, which of you wrote me that sonnet?
2.73sI did! I think. It was probably about 50-50.
2.4sBut that's how I really felt about you, I swear.
2.33sI don't know.
2.84sPlease, give me a chance to be romantic on my own.
2.92sI've got a Baggie of massage oil, and I'm gonna give you my super back rub,
2.77sjust like I used to give Amy when I was going out with her,
2.24sand she always seemed to-- Uh-oh.
3.47sSorry you struck out, sausage link.
2.75sIf it's any consolation, my life is great.
2.27sBabes, bucks-- I got it all.
4.42sWell, at least I learned Leela's a lost cause. I give up.
3.2sThere ya go! Good night.
2.74sI gotta get up early to go parasailing with movie stars.