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1.85sI am not evil!
2.97sSo, Fry, Leela, how'd you two get together?
2sFunny story. I asked Leela out a million times,
1.93sbut she just kept rejecting me.
2.47sI'd make up stuff like, "I have sweaty boot rash,"
2.97sor "I have to meet the president."
1.72sOh, man, you never heard such excuses.
1.98sBut, like a dope, I believed her.
2.87sLooking back on it now, it's kinda funny.
3.89sIt sure is. Right, Leela, funny?
2.07sThen one night when Fry asked me out,
2.1sthe only excuse I could think of involved ghosts.
4.12sI knew he wouldn't buy it, so I did what I always do in those situations.
0.43sOh, Lord!
1.47sI flipped a coin.
2.77sIt came up heads, and we went out.
2.54sYou mean you flipped a coin too? And it was tails?
2.97sSo that's why you said you had to meet that ghost.
3.14sYou really missed out on something, Leela. That date was magical.