3.34sThe only reason you're here is that my boss ordered me to bring you on.
1.4sAll right? This is my show,
2.43sand it's a serious, intellectual hour of discussion,
2.03sand I want to keep it that way. Hey, no problem.
2.6sAll right. In three, two, one.
2.17sThis is The Lunch Hour with your host...
1.5sHey, what's up, Quahog?
3.77sFrom the station that reaches the beaches, you're listening to Dingo and the Baby.
2.44sThey're just wacky sounds, you know, to liven things up.
1.47s(BARKING) Dingo.
2.77s(BABY GURGLING) Dingo and the Baby.
5.77s(TOILET FLUSHING) Oh, sexy girlfriend.