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2.2sPeter, would you stop spying on your mother's date?
1.67sI can't stand it anymore, Lois.
1.3sI'm gonna put a stop to this.
3s(PHONE RINGING) Hello? PETER: Hello, yes.
5.5sThis is Tom Tucker's personal physician, Dr. T and the Women.
3.87sCould you tell Tom his contagious penis cancer medicine is ready?
1.33sIs this Peter?
1.97sNo, it's Lois.
3.54sLois, don't crank call my mother. I'm gonna have to pinch you for that.
1.7sOw! Peter, don't pinch me.
3.44s(BOTH GROANING) Stop that. Knock it off, damn it!
2.1sCut it out. Maybe I'll tickle you, huh, how about that?
1.8sNo, don't. Here you go.
2.5sTickle, tickle, tickle. Cut it out. Stop it.
2.87s(LAUGHING) I mean it. I mean it.