1.8sYou gotta call Dad and get back together with...
2.57s(SCREAMS) Holy crap!
2.23sWe'll have more on these new developments after this.
1.87sI can't believe what I saw in there.
3.4sYou were messing around in what was basically my first apartment.
2.13sPeter, you should be happy for her.
1.4sShe's just having fun.
1.57sI don't see what the problem is.
1.17sTom is a wonderful man.
1.37sI don't see the problem, either,
2.67sbut let's go to Ollie Williams for the in-depth analysis. Ollie?
2.2sLady's old. Thanks, Ollie. Over to you, Peter.
1.87sLook, this isn't right, you know?
2.07sI mean, you guys are like Harold and Maude.
1.67sWhat would your grandchildren think?