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2.05sBut that's all right, because we're in England.
1.08sWell, I don't get it.
1.47sWhere are England's verdant fields,
1.17sits rosy-rumped maidens,
1.33sand buck-toothed solicitors?
3.37sAbout 3,000 miles that way. We're in the Middle East.
0.97sWhere are we going?
1.47sI don't know.
1.97sI'm not exactly familiar with this particular Arabian villagE.
3.12sStuff for sale! Bad, cheaply made stuff for salE!
1.97sHey, Americans. You like movies?
4.64sI've got Dude, My Car Is Not Where I Parked It But, Praise Allah, We Are Not Hurt.
1.9sCamels for sale!
3.5sThis one owned by a little old man who only drove it to mosque on Sundays.
1.43sJust had its knees replaced.
2.18sOh, Great. Buy one and let's get out of here.
2.59sWhat do you mean, buy one? All I've got is $50.
2.24sWe're gonna have to distract him. Follow my lead.
10.58sYou and I are so awfully different Too awfully different to ever be pals Do you want to go first?