5.27s"These were difficult times "for the children of Ipswich "when the lollipop famine "cursed their pleasant village."
2.59sHow can you stand watching this?
2.1sIt's dreck and you know it.
1.74sOh, Don't have the guts to respond, huh?
2.17sNo intelligent defense of this unmitigated crap?
1.27sWelcome back to K.I.S.S. Forum,
1.57sRhode island Public Access'
1.67smost popular show about K.I.S.S.
1.58sLois, hurry! It's back on!
2.85sCalm down, Peter. You know I wouldn't miss a second of this.
1.2sOk, let's take a call.
1.17sYou're on K.I.S.S. Forum.
1.63sK.I.S.S. rules! Whoo!
2.7sOk, good call. Good call. Ha! Ha! All right.
1.47sHEy, You're on K.I.S.S. Forum.