3.17sOk, I'll call the parents and let them know the party's here.
1.53sYou don't have any of those things.
1.12sHow do you know?
1.63sPeter, Face it. You're a terrible liar.
1.28sIt was you.
2.19syou know, Clowns and petting zoos book months in advance.
1.78sY-y-You're gonna have a tough time finding a...
1.2sWell, Hey there, little boy.
1.15sAre you loST?
1.45sNow, listen to me,
1.17sI've got an army to raise,
1.45sand I must get to Nicaragua.
1.85sI require a window seat and an in-flight Happy Meal.
1.08sAnd no pickles!
2.07sOh, God help you if I find pickles.
2.23sHenry, I have a lost little boy.
1.25sWell, Hey there, little fella.
1.02sWhy don't you come with mE?