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3.82sAnd like Icarus, the rocket foolishly soared too high...
2.97sand lost control of its servo-guidance mechanism...
3.34sleaving us with some... six hours to live.
5.24sSo let's go live now to the charred remains of the only bridge out of town...
2.74swith Arnie Pie and Arnie in the Sky.
3.77sWith the bridge gone and the airport, unfortunately, on the other side of the bridge,
3.77sa number of citizens are attempting to jump the gorge with their cars.
1.75sIt's a silent testament...
4.27sto the never-give-up and never-think-things-out spirit of our citizens.
3.37sWith our utter annihilation imminent, our federal government has snapped into action.
3.8sWe go live now via satellite to the floor of the United States Congress.
2.39sThen it is unanimous.
4.4sWe are going to approve the bill to evacuate the town of Springfield...
2.4s- in the great state of-- - Wait a second.
1.78sI want to tack on a rider to that bill.
3.77sThirty million dollars of taxpayer money to support the perverted arts.