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2.38sMmm. Mmm, mmm.
2.7sThis sandwich tastes so young and impudent.
1.74sSeymour, what's with the good grub?
2.87sWell, perhaps I ought to let you folks in on a secret.
2.18sDo you remember me telling jimbo jones...
1.97sthat I'd make something of him one day?
3.4sAre you saying you killed jimbo,
2.18sprocessed his carcass and served him for lunch?
3.22sHmm. I wonder where jimbo is today.
2.65sHe should've beaten us up for our lunch money an hour ago.
4.12sFrau Lunch Lady, please to have another Sloppy jimbo. Das ist gut, nein?
4.75sNow that's your third helping, young man. It's making you fat and soft...
2.19sand tender.
3.27sMmm. Uh, you just cut in line, didn't you?