2.8sgo make sure Peter has his, uh,
1.23sfire engine.
2.94sOh, really? But I was enjoying our talk.
2.58sOh, no, I... So was I, but, you know,
1.99sI've, really, I should... I should go.
2.44sNo. I don't think so.
1.57sOh, my God.
1.97sOh, my God, it was you.
1.35sYou're the killer!
1.6sYou shouldn't have stopped to say hi to me.
1.57sYou would've lived longer.
2.3sGod, why do I ever try to be friends with other women?
1.47sBut, Diane, why?
2.52sHow could you do all these horrible things?
6.36sWell, I suppose it all really began a year ago when James Woods and I met at a press event and began seeing each other.