5sAha! James Woods made a list of all his misdeeds so he could make amends.
1.1sBonnie, he punched you in the throat,
1.62sand that's why you sound like that?
3.64sNo, he punched me in the throat because I sound like this.
1.48sAnd, Consuela, he...
2.4sActually, I can't read his handwriting here. What happened?
2.4sOne day, I bring my nephew to work,
4.04sand he molest my nephew, and my nephew, he only 14,
3.97sand he cry, and then he shoot himself in the face.
4.22sOoh, he also has a list of good restaurants and hotels up and down the Eastern Seaboard.
2.47sPeter, one of the people in this room is a murderer!