2.44swhich makes me think that I'm gonna grow up to be good-looking.
3.14sWhat part of that statement is supposed to lure me into a conversation?
2.17sI talk to you about wet tennis balls.
1.33sOh, come on!
1.43sSTEWIE: We're in a fight!
2.6sLois, are any of my Hot Wheels in the bath? Lois?
1.25sLois? Lois?
2.7sLois, are any of my Hot Wheels in the bathroom?
1.52sNo, I put 'em all in your bag.
1.83sOkay, well, I don't see the fire engine,
2.87sbut I guess we'll just find out when we get home, won't we?
1.5sI'll see you in the car.