2.5sOkay, well... I'm sorry for your loss,
4.3sbut the good news is your insurance will be covering all of your damages.
1sYou hear what he said, fellas?
1.33sLooks like we pulled it off.
2.4sYeah, for now. I still got a bad feeling.
1.48sHe's gonna find something, I just know it.
2.3sWill you relax? We got an ironclad alibi.
2.84sWe were all seeing the Beatles live at The Ed Sullivan Show.
4.52sAll right, guys, all we got to do now is keep a low profile and not mention a word of this to anybody.
1.2sNot even the police.
1.4sThat's right, not a word to anyone.
1.67sNobody. Lips are sealed.