2.97sAnd if you were considering bringing a boom box to play music,
2.47sI would suggest any one of these six songs.
2sSo again, ran away. Don't come after me.
3.9sAnd I want to thank you
1.77sDirty whores, all of you.
1.23sHey, Peter.
1.2sLois, we got a problem.
2.2sI think Ryan Reynolds is in love with me.
1.87sWhat? Don't be ridiculous.
1.82sIt's true. Last night we were at this restaurant,
1.78sand he tried to gay kiss me.
1.52sI'm telling you, he wants to get with me.
1.02sPeter, come on.
2.17sWhy would any man dress well, groom himself,
2.4sand lift weights just to sleep with other men?