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1.6sHey, how much money you make?
6.02sYou'd think enough for a shirt, right? (LAUGHS) So I'm having this housewarming thing tonight and I'd love it if you came by.
1.3sYeah, that sounds great.
2.34sAnything beats what goes on at my house Friday nights.
1.15sHey, Lois, what's going on here?
2.84sOh, it's my book club, Peter. Come join us.
1.25sOh, okay!
2.54sAll right, let's see. New novel, new novel.
2.1sNew novel. What's it about?
2.34sWhat's it about? A guy...
2.57sA guy who loses everything,
3.74sbut finds his soul in Canada.
2sAll right, we're cooking now.
4.44sCooking now. And the whole book is an e-mail to his daughter,
1.94swho's dead.
2.54sAnd his name will be Norm Hull.
2.2sBecause he's just a normal guy.
1.3sBut not everybody will get that.
2.8sThat's just for the scholars a hundred years from now.