1.37sI'm going to Yale.
3.17sWhat? I don't want to go to the same college as you.
2.82sThen I've got some great news! You're not going to Yale!
7.29s(SCREAMS) (BOTH SCREAM) (SCREAMS) Hey, I didn't do anything. Yet.
1.67sYou've wrecked my life!
2sHey, Marge, why are you with Krusty?
1.67sThese kids are too old for clowns.
3.94sActually, Homer, I'm into your lady.
2.93sHey, man, she's not my lady anymore.
2.1sWe split up, it's all cool. I...
1.6s- I'll kill you!
1.93sOnce they destroy each other...
1.6s...then we make our move.