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4.74sIf we can hit that bull's-eye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards.
4.45sNow, like all great plans my strategy is so simple, an idiot could have devised it.
6.77sOn my command, all ships will line up and file directly into the alien death cannons clogging them with wreckage.
3.34sWouldn't it make more sense to send the robots in first--
1.5sI volunteer for a suicide mission!
1.99sAw... cut it out!
4.74sYou're a brave robot, son, but when I'm in command every mission's a suicide mission.
1.22sWhich reminds me...
6.74sLeela, perhaps before we head into battle you'd like to make love to me in case one of us doesn't come back.
2.07sMaybe we should wait till afterwards...
2.07sin case neither of us comes back.
1.15sHere's hoping.