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2.32sThen we discovered rain makes it catch fire.
2.48sThen the Fuhrer fired me.
1.9sWhat a magical party this has been.
2.2sMr. Burns is a great man.
3.27sI've got a bad feeling about all this.
2.05sCome on, Marge. This place is great.
1.93sFree admission, great grub,
2.67sand we got to use the bathroom of the future.
2.37sHomer, that was Apollo 12!
3.27s(INDISTINCT CHATTER) Greetings, wage donkeys.
1.7sIs everyone happy and content?
1.43sYeah! This is great!
1.3sI would die for you!
1.72sIs your sense of outrage dulled?
1.85sSpill it, super boss!
2.37s(CHUCKLES) Very well, effective immediately,
3.3sthe employee prescription drug program is terminated!
2.57sIn these days of rising health care costs, blah, blah, blah,