2.14sI'm intoxicated all right, Lois,
2.67sby the beauty and magic of Martha's Vineyard,
7.01sNantucket, Cape Cod and all the great destinations that make Massachusetts the wondrous place it is.
3.84sThe spirit of Massachusetts Is the spirit of America
3.87sThe spirit of what's old and what's new
2.1sI am so glad Brian brought us out here, Lois.
1.77sHe's a real pal, you know that?
2.87sWell, it's actually Brian I need to talk to you about.
1.97sBoy, he's a hell of a guy, isn't he?
1.7sI mean, Quagmire's a lot of fun at a party,
2.94sbut, you know, he's so horny all the time, I feel like I can't trust him.
2.14sCleveland's a great guy but he's got a mustache,
1.97sso you got to wonder what he's hiding.
2.74sJoe's a cripple, so, for obvious reasons, I can't trust him.