2.74sStop it! Stop it! Get off my husband!
4.34sWait a minute, Brian. Nathan Lane is right. What are we doing?
3sLook, I'm sorry, all right? It's just...
3.97sWhen you have feelings for someone that are strong enough, you just,
2.3sI don't know, lose sight of the rest of the world.
4.27sBrian, she's my wife, and you're my best pal.
1.84sSo, what are we gonna do about this?
5.44s(SIGHS) I promise, Peter, nothing like this will ever happen again.
1.57sThanks, old buddy.
2.43sYeah, blah, blah, blah! That's all well and good, Peter.
3.74sNow, get ready, we're having dinner with my parents tonight!