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3.74s'Cause I intend to! Well, gadzooks, Sarge.
2.3sIt's him! It's my Grandfather Enos!
4.25sNow prepare my lunch and place it in the latrine at 1200 hours!
3.3sThat jeep's gonna hit him, and I won't exist anymore!
3.25sAre you crazy? You almost got yourself run over.
2.45sI did? Then I sure am lucky you knocked me...
2.2sonto this pile of rusty bayonets.
2.87sPsst! Fry, stop interfering with history!
3.07sI don't want to have to memorize a lot of new kings when I get back.
2.4sI had no choice. I was about to not exist.
3.17sI could feel myself fading away, like Greg Kinnear.
3.1sWell, thanks, soldier. I'm off to make Sarge's lunch.
2.77sHandlin' raw chicken? Best part of the job.
3.2sMmm! Finger-lickin' good.
3.42sThat's it! This place is too dangerous. We gotta get you out of here.