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3.42sOn your marks. Get set. White guys, go!
3.3sI have high hopes for this. I had a Clif Bar before we started.
1.47sEverybody else!
3.27s(GASPS) I thought they were coming after us.
3.24sAll right, everyone. All DVDs are a dollar and everything must go.
1.33sCome on in.
3.79s(ALL EXCLAIMING) Please be here. Please be here.
3.07sOh, sweet mother of God! There you are!
1.72sI'll watch you with the lights off.
3.7s(LAUGHING) Like I would dare.
1.87sYou're getting Dan in Real Life?
1.33sWhat? I heard it's good.
2.64sNo, I get it. He's resting his head on pancakes.
1.57sIt looks hilarious.
3.27sThe joke, of course, being that one wouldn't generally do that,
2.9swere there a pillow available.
3.02sOh, my God! Road House!
1.62sGreat. I want to buy this!