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3.3s- Peter, I don't need to be in a wheelchair. - Now, now, no arguments, Brian.
2.8sI already went through the trouble of borrowing this ramp from Joe.
2.43sI'll see you, honey. I'll be back in a...
1.49sJoe, are you all right?
2.99sDon't help me up. I need to retain my independence.
2.63s- You need anything from the market? - PowerBar!
1.19sWhat's wrong, Brian?
3.46sYou've just been sitting on the couch ever since you got back from the hospital.
1.7sYou need to get out of the house.
1.9sI don't know, Lois. I'm a little depressed.
2.63sThe accident got me thinking about how uncertain life is
1.8sand how suddenly it can be taken away.
2.09sYou're going to feel back to normal in no time.
2.26s- Here, have some food. - I'm not hungry.
1.73sHere comes the gravy.
1.83sYou messy beast.
1.7sWell, hello there, Meg.
2.26sNeil, I really can't be seen talking to you anymore.
2.63sI have friends now, and some of them, very popular.
2.76sI know. I heard Sarah is your lab partner.