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3.35s(GRUNTS) There is a way to make a vaccine!
2sThere is? Yay!
2.5s- Of course, there's a catch. - Woo-hoo!
3.29sYay! Yay! So what's the catch?
1.95sThe vaccine requires the original,
3.04sunmutated, 20th century cold virus,
2.5sso I need to grind you into a paste.
1.42sProfessor, no!
2.38sIt's okay, Leela. This is all my fault, sort of.
1.77sIf this will save you, then please,
2.02sturn me into a virus milkshake.
2.22sHe consented! You all heard it!
5.3sYes, sir, many of these entries merit a ride in the mighty bosom of our space shuttle.
3.64sAnd then there's your so-called entry.