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2.89sSo what's your project? The effects of losing on idiots?
6.56sNo, I'm gonna infect my guinea pig with the common cold and launch it into space to see if it gets cured by cosmic rays.
5.27s(LAUGHING BREATHILY) Lame, though the common cold virus does seem like a judge-pleaser.
4.27sI think I'll steal that and do an experiment that's slightly less very stupid.
3.79sBut that's my idea. You are an evil, evil nerd.
0.95sGedgie out.
1.97sWe'll show him who's stupid.
4.04sAnd we can build this dream together
2.47sStanding strong forever
4.04sNothing's gonna stop us now
3.5sAnd if this world runs out of lovers
2.64sWe'll still have each other
6.26sNothing's gonna stop us Nothing's gonna stop us now