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2.64sPlease stand up. Please stand up.
3.39sHow can you do a spoken-word version of a rap song?
2.23sHe found a way.
4.64sFor 100 quatloos, who did the captain maroon on Ceti Alpha Five?
2.14sUh, Khan?
1.94sMy button has broken!
3.1sThe trivia contest is ended. I now have a surprise.
2.67sYou will perform a fan script...
2.54swritten by the ultimate Trek fan!
4.05sYou have my fan script? I meant me! Melllvar's the ultimate fan!
3.47sOh. I was confused because the scoreboard says something different.
3.27sTrivia contest over! Take your scripts!
2.7sWe have limited rehearsal time.
2.22sNow, I didn't make enough copies of the script,
3.37sso George and Walter will have to share.
4.67sUh-- You probably don't want us to see you rehearsing, or it'll give away the ending.