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3.8sIt would take days to recount the events I've witnessed.
2.87sSo, settle in. It all began--
3.12sQuiet, you! This court-martial is now in session.
2.55sThe honorably sexy Zapp Branigan residing.
2.1sBring in the accused.
1.87sOh, my.
2.64sPhilip J. Fry, you stand accused...
2.84sof traveling to the forbidden planet Omega 3,
3.5sa crime punishable by 12 concurrent death sentences.
1.98sDo you understand the charges?
2.57sOne beep for "yes," two beeps for "no."
2.19sYes. So noted. Do you plead guilty?
3.86sDouble yes. Guilty!
2.59sI will now carry out the sentence. Kif, my gun.
2.22sWait! He pled "not guilty."
2.1sOrder! Order in the court!
5.02sVery well then, Mr. Fry. Please recount the events that led you to be guilty.