1.2sOh My God. Excuse me.
0.98sHey, no problem, meg.
1.83sYou probably bought me another 3 minutes!
1.22sGiggedy, giggedy, giggedy!
2.95sOh, oh, The funniest thing happened at work today. So There was this--
1.03sHi, EvERybody. Hey!
1.33sI had the worst day.
2.92sFirst I didn't make cheerleader because I'm so plain.
1.9sAnd I still don't have a date for Friday night,
1.72sIt's not fair, Lois.
1.05sIf I don't get any airtime,
5.49show am I ever gonna get my own spin-off where I'm a retired baseball umpire who opens a bar...
2.5sat the center of the earth?