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2.7sThat wasn't funny. I thought you guys said you were Jewish.
1.07sWell, He's only half-Jewish.
0.93sYou're fired.
1.33sHere's the thing, Griffin.
3.14sSome troublemakers in Congress are trying to shut us down.
2.13sWe need someone important, like you,
6.37sto go down to Washington and help those bastards see what kind of fun-loving people the tobacco industry's really made of.
1.54sAw, Sweet. Hey, I'm your man.
3.05sBut I gotta warn you. I made some enemies on the Hill.
5.65sAnd that's when Clarence Thomas forced me into his chambers and showed me lewd pictures.
5.39sMr. Griffin, We have indisputable evidence that not only have you never been in the same room as Clarence Thomas,
1.94syou--you've never been in the same state.
2.64sHow do you respond to that?