4.87sWell, Marge, we solved the case of the haunted quarry.
3.12sHomer, shouldn't we give that skull to Mr. Smithers?
1.63sWhy? He'd just bury it.
4.22sHey! Hey! I found a clue that's gonna bust your mystery wide open!
2.02sSorry. We already solved it.
5.3sOh. Well, uh, you want to take a look at it anyways, uh, just for ha-ha's?
0.66sSeems kinda pointless now.
2.26sYeah, I guess you're right.
2.52sIt's just that I-- I went to a lot of trouble,
1.6syou know, makin' the envelope and everything.
3.4sMmm. Let's see what you have, Moe.
3.24sNow this first thing is just gonna look like a used Band-Aid, and it is,