1.32sDon't you worry, Scotty.
3.27sWe're gonna get you to the hospital and get you the medical attention you need.
1.2sYeah, hang in there, buddy.
1.97sWhen this is over, we can get some ice cream.
1.7sMe and Lois can get some ice cream, not you.
1.83sThey're gonna be sticking needles in you everywhere.
1.43sYou know, Peter, you were right,
1.57sthis is actually kind of a rush.
2.33sI mean, look at us, we're like Thelma and Louise.
2.4sYeah, but we all know that didn't end well for them.
3.44sYou know what? Let's just turn ourselves in.
4.04sI got a great lawyer, and he says, worst case, eight to 12 years.
1.37sAnd when we get out,