1.8sHey, look what I found.
2.43sWow, authentic Native American remains.
1.6sPeter, I'd put that back if I were you.
2sYou may be disturbing a sacred burial site.
1.47sHey, look, it's Robin Williams.
2.67s(GIBBERING) Black preacher voice.
1.53sGay Elmer Fudd.
4.37s(LAUGHING) The more you hear it, the funnier it gets.
2.24sWant some more peas, Chief Diamond Phillips?
2.27sPeter, I really think you should put that back where you found it.
2.47sYou know, Brian, I really don't think you should breast-feed the skull.
1.13sUh, I'm not breast-feeding.
1.27sAll right, fine. God, you're pushy.
2.2sSuck, suck, suck, suck, suck.
1.87sHey, cut it out! So many nipples. Suck, suck, suck.
1.93sKnock it off! Oh, I'm Brian. I'm having sustenance.
1.33sWhat's wrong with you? Look at me, everybody.
4.17sI'm breast-feeding in public even though it's wrong.