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2.9s- Yeah, she's quite a gal. - You shut up.
4.55sSo when you realized Christmas was ruined, how did you feel?
1.94sHow do you think I felt?
2.18sAbsolutely devastated.
2.33s"Absolutely devastated."
2.33sThe words of a heartbroken mother.
2.75sFor there will be no fire truck for little Bart,
2.13sno sweater for little Lisa,
2.5sno Cajun sausage for little Homer.
3.3sSo while you're home today...
3.04seating your sweet, sweet holiday turkey,
4.2sI hope you'll all choke just a little bit.
2.27sLousy doormat.
3.5sHomer, you won't believe what's happened. It's a miracle.