2.37sI'm so glad you came over.
2.2sSo am I, Jules. It's been so fun.
3.44sSo, I guess I sleep in the guest room or whatnot?
1.83sNo, you can sleep in here with me.
4.02sOh. Well, my goodness, I hope there's room for both of us.
1.85sI'll just have to squeeze in here.
1.5sWell, good night, Karina.
3.4sYou know, I really like spending time with you, Julie.
1.5sMe, too.
2.27sWhy couldn't we just have girlfriends instead of boyfriends?
4.1sI know! It's all just one big, confusing mess.
1.73sCan I snuggle with you?