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1.83sMom? What? What?
3.92sWhy am I still rotting away in the second grade instead of being skipped ahead?
3.37sI don't know, honey. I guess that's the school's decision to make.
3.62sDid you ever talk to anyone at the school? Make a few calls on my behalf?
3.59sMaybe you could have been "nicer" to Principal Skinner, if you know what I mean.
2.89sLisa! I am nice.
1.8sHomer, I really appreciate you making dinner,
2.04sbut this food tastes a little strange.
1.87sIt hurts my teeth.
2.43sThat's because I've loaded it with sugar.
1.87sMarge, our ship has come in.
3.07sI found 500 pounds of sugar-- in the forest--
2.47sthat I'm gonna sell directly to the consumer.
2.84sAnd all for a low, low price of one dollar per pound.
2.57sBut the grocery store sells sugar for 35 cents a pound.
2.4sAnd it doesn't have nails and broken glass in it.
1.83sThose are prizes.