2.57sRemember, it's not really about pushing,
4.27sas much as just relaxing and letting your body do what it does naturally.
3s(BOTH SCREAMING) What the hell?
5.24s(ROY GRUNTING) ROY: Now, here's Susan Saint James to help me wipe.
2.24sAll right, Peter, we've got a big day ahead of us.
2.77sI'm going to show you that age is just a state of mind.
1.23sCome on, hop in my limo.
2.13sWow, a limo! Shotgun!
3.3s(DISCO MUSIC PLAYING) Watch the screen, not your feet.
1.33sBill, shut up, I got it.
1.33sMAN ON PA: Number 32.
1.37sOh, no, our pizza's ready.