1.85sDennis the Menace?
2.05sYes. I was America's bad boy.
3.1sI once hid my dad's hat!
4.57sAnd another time, I accidentally stepped in Mr. Wilson's flower bed.
3sThat was a two-part episode.
1.77sI have to go.
3.04sCalifornia, here we come!
1.75sIt's not A real car, grampa.
2.3s"Allen gins-burgers"?
4.04s"Un-American Cheese Sandwich"? "Polio Dogs"?
3.17sIt's clever how the names remind you of thE '50s,
2.52sand at the same time, tell you what there is to eat.
3.69sHmm. Hmm? Wow! Look at this old-timey gizmo.