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1.27sHand it over.
2.89sMom may have fallen for your lies, but not me.
1.95sYou invented the free will unit,
3.17sthen you selfishly hid it beyond the reach of my stealers.
5.92s(STAMMERING) Thanks to you, I went on a soul-searching journey. I hate those!
2.3sNow, give up the free will.
2.57s(SIGHS) I should have destroyed it,
3.67sbut I was too damn proud of myself. So I kept it around,
4.22snever letting it out of my sight. Where is it, damn it?
4.14sOh, right. I let this innocuous fellow use it.
1.35sKill all humans!
4.27sWhoa, whoa, whoa. A toy Bender had free will, and the real Bender didn't?