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2.17sHe's developed Simpsons Jaundice.
1.13sAy, caramba!
2.18sHis only hope is some replacement liver.
1.95sYours looks like a good match.
2.09sWell, if it'll help Fry...
3.04sCareful, Leela! He knows less about human anatomy than I do.
2.77sAnd I can't even find my own uterus.
2.64sYou may feel a slight sawing.
6.11sAnd all we need is a little spine supplement to replace what Leela lost in that unavoidable saw mix-up.
1.83sIt wasn't unavoidable.
2.57sYou just had to stop cutting my spine when I yelled,
2.37s"Stop, you're cutting my spine!"
1.73sFRY: Quit complaining!
3.77sMy body rejected your liver, and now I've got Garfield Syndrome.
1.9sOh, I hate Mondays.
3.65sAnyhow, Hermes, all Leela needs is one of your vertebrae.
2.97sBut, Doctor, will I be able to limbo afterwards?
1.38sCould you limbo before?
4.19sWait. I say, "Yes," and you say, "I couldn't limbo before."
1.77sYou ruined the joke, Hermes.
2.3sThere you go, Leela. Good as new!