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1.73sand I've never heard of Yeti-ism.
7.34sIt mimics the symptoms of hyper-malaria exactly except for the part where instead of dying, you turn into a Yeti.
5.49s(KETTLE WHISTLING) Wow. Hold him down while I prepare the antidote.
1.65sAnother Yeti?
3.6sYes, the same jerk that once noshed on me like a shrimp toast.
3.44sNow who's getting his pineal gland extracted?
6.97s(GRUNTS) Yes, this contains a concentrated form of the Yeti neurotoxin.
2.37sBut that's what gave him Yeti-ism in the first place.
1.57sWon't it just make him a double-Yeti?
3.1sDon't lecture me about alien physiology, Conrad.
3.52sThe pineal neurotoxin neutralizes the adrenal neurotoxin.
2.37sThat's why Yetis don't drive themselves mad.