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4.17sStewie, what do you think candy is made out of?
2.74sSunshine and farts! What the hell kind of question is that?
1.03sI love candy!
1.53sWhen I was a little boy,
2.27swe would play stickball!
2.14sOh, no. I'll wait. Oh, You finished?
1.87sI'm sorry. you know, It's my fault, really.
3.77sI was under the impression the name of the show was Kids Say the Darndest Things,
2.63snot Old Black Comedians Never Shut the Hell Up.
1.77sAsk me what I want to be when I grow up.
2.67sAnd We also used to play buck-buck.
1.65sEnough of your blather.
1.18sGood evening, world.
2.5sFrom this moment on, I will be your--
1.63sWhat you got there?
2.84sOh, You gonna go skiing now.
1.23sGive them back to me!
1.27sThey're of no use to you!
2.17sI'm going down the mountain.
2.53sDon't listen to him! That's not funny!
3.37sThat's just saying what happens when you go skiing!
2.05sHere I go, down the slope.