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1.3sWho's Mr. Barrington?
1.77s- From the club. - What club?
2.74s- You're in a lot of trouble, mister. - (YELLS)
1.95sI'm sorry I got us both kicked out, Carter.
1.47sI was just trying to help you out.
2.88sMr. Barrington told me I couldn't see Amanda anymore.
2.1sWe never even got a chance to have sex.
3.7sEveryone knows rich, waspy girls are the best at it.
1.68sI'm really going to miss that club.
1.53sYou know what part I liked the most?
5.22sWalking around the locker room naked and offering people sections of a tiny clementine.
2.85sClementine? Oh, thank you.
1.7sClementine? None for me, thanks.
2.8sClementine? Yes, thank you.
1.27sClementine? Yeah, I'll have one.
1.73s- Ooh, softly. - Sorry.
1.77sYes, I'll have one. There you go.
2.7sGod, it's good to be old and nude.
1.73sLook, Carter, you can't be that surprised.
2.75sI mean, it's just human nature to suck up to the people above you,
2.5scrap on those beneath you and undercut your equals.