2.83sLet these worlds be free! Please!
2.43sThere's one every season.
3.06sMoving on to planet Arboles Mentirosos.
4.56sArbolian Mentirososians, show us what you got!
1.7sA2, 3,4!
2.3sRick, Marty, lce-T, the timetable's moved up,
1.56sEarth's on in six hours.
2.13sLike we're not already under enough pressure?!
1.87s- Whoa! Whoa!
- Yeah!
2.97sGeez, Morty, the guy's just doing his job. Take it easy.
2.87sRick, lce-T, could you guys take it less easy?!
2.03sWe've got six hours to come up with a song!