1.72sHe lives at 2820 Ocean Boulevard,
1.92sacross from the park, apartment two.
0.83sAtta girl!
2.44sOkay, now spit in your own mouth.
1.77sThis is a cool place.
2.77sI got to say, cats are so much better than dogs.
1.33sWell, that's kind of a broad statement.
1.5sIt's true.
2.37sOkay, show me one way in which cats are better than dogs.
3.2sWell, okay, uh, for one thing, they always land on their feet.
1.8sSo? Big deal. Dogs do that, too.
2.37sHere, go ahead, do what you just did, but with me.
1.77sOw! Oh, my God!
2.04s(BONE CRACKING) Oh, my neck! Ow!