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2.17sDad, please. You're embarrassing us.
3.67sNo, I'm not. I'm teaching you about rock music.
3.37sNow, Grand Funk Railroad paved the way for jefferson Airplane,
2.3swhich cleared the way for jefferson Starship.
2.77sThe stage was now set for The Alan Parsons Project,
2.14swhich I believe was some sort of hovercraft.
2.74sDad, no one cares about any of your stupid dinosaur bands!
3.57sYou have the worst, lamest taste in music ever!
3.34sI'm just trying to party with you guys.
2.44sHomer, first of all, it's "par-tay,"
2.74sand second, we wouldn't "par-tay" with you...
3.34sif you were the last dad on Earth.
3.87sHi there. It's been a while since I set foot in Good Vibrations Music.
2.5sWhere can I find the latest releases by Bread?
2.03s- Oldies. - Oldies?
2.82sBut you've got all the top bands in here!
3.6sStyx? I just heard them on the King Biscuit Flower Hour!