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2.07sYou're right. It's better if I do it.
2.97sAh! Damn it to the bowels of bloody hell!
2.37sThe baby's up. Can you get him?
1.89sOk. I hope he doesn't need changing.
2.04sI'm a little gun-shy after what happened last time.
1.47sNo, you imbecile!
1.87sThat's not talc! That's paprika! Aah!
1.05sTake that!
2.13sAll right, I'll do that, too!
2.3sCan you at least take Chris to his game?
4.85sJeez, Lois. I spent all morning on a boat with my friends drinking beer, telling jokes, and screwing around.
1.47sHow about a little me time?
2.37sHoney, I'm begging you. Drop Chris off at his soccer game
0.92sand come right home.
3.44sI need you to look after Stewie while I'm teaching piano lessons, please!
1.72sAll right! All right!
1.67sHeh. You know I spoil you.