2.47sActually, son, it's a big ugly Olmec Indian head.
3.32sIt was carved by Mesoamerican Indians over 3,000 years ago.
4.29sThis gruesome customer is Xtapalapaquetl, the god of war.
1.57sAwesome !
4.64sNo, Maggie, not Aztec. Olmec. "Ol-mec."
2.22sMarge, what does it do ? It doesn't do anything.
2.03sMarge, really, what does it do ?
2.35sWhatever it does, it's doing it now.
5.09sWell, I'll let you get acquainted with Senor Xtapalapaquetl. Ta !
0.22sDid you see their faces, Smithers ?